0431 248 750 info.gcpdk9@gmail.com
Gold Coast  Protection Division

Respond | Assess | Secure | Protect

Providing Elite Gold Coast Security Guards and Security Solutions

We Set the Benchmark for Comprehensive Security Services


Your peace of mind is our top priority. Whether you need the services of our Gold Coast security guards, alarm monitoring, vehicle patrols or guard dog services, we’re here to make you feel secure.

With 15 years of experience in the security industry, we’re confident we can provide the highest level of protection for your home, workplace, or residential community. We provide premier security services along the vibrant Queensland coast and further inland.

From mobile security patrols equipped with GPS tracking and dash cams to rapid security alarm response times of 15 minutes or less, we leave no stone unturned in keeping your property and community safe.

Contact us to learn more about how our tailored solutions can meet your unique security needs and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re in capable, protective hands.


Static Gold Coast Security Guards

If you’re looking for the services of a security guard on the Gold Coast and beyond, we can help. Our trained and licensed security guards act as the first line of defence for your property and loved ones, ensuring a visible and formidable presence to deter potential threats or would-be criminals.

Whether safeguarding commercial properties, residential complexes, resorts, factories or event venues, our security guards remain vigilantly and are ready to respond swiftly to any security concern. We uphold the highest standards of professionalism and efficacy in protecting people and assets that hold value for you.

As first responders, we work closely with the Queensland Police Department, to ensure that any criminal activity is handled appropriately.

Our Gold Coast security guards are all fitted with GPS location trackers, body cameras and radios which feed back-to-base, providing for the safety of our staff and ensuring that any criminal activity is recorded and can be used as evidence if criminal charges are brought against a perpetrator.

Talk to us today about our static security guard services and discover why we’re the trusted choice for clients across Queensland.

Gold Coast Security Patrols

Our Gold Coast security patrols are an excellent choice when you require eyes on more than one building or home. They can cover a wide area but come back to each street or location frequently enough to act as a calming presence for home and business owners and a real repellent to those whose mission it is to break the law.

Our fleet of clearly written vehicles serves as a visual deterrent, sending a powerful message to would-be intruders or criminals.

More than just a deterrent, however, Queensland Police statistics have shown that our patrols are highly effective in preventing crime, in the community. There are fewer incidents of break-ins, thefts, vandalism, and assaults in areas where our security patrols are used.

Our patrols work in tandem with the Queensland Police Department, reinforcing our dedication to proactive security.

Feel the peace of mind of knowing that everything that matters most to you is being protected under the watchful eye of our security patrol teams.

Experience the Gold Coast Protection Division’s difference – where proactive protection meets unmatched expertise.

Gold Coast Alarm Monitoring

There are many advantages to having a monitored alarm system, the main one being that help is close at hand should you need it. Unlike a local alarm that does little except make noise, you can sleep soundly knowing your family is protected and your assets are secure when you have a back-to-base alarm. Especially if that alarm is monitored by Gold Coast Protection Division, because if an intruder tries to enter your property, we are alerted immediately and react rapidly.

We are so aware that every second counts in a security emergency that we are determined to respond in 15 minutes or less. Our team will spring into action, conduct patrols and assessments to determine why your alarm has gone off and act to mitigate any risks.

Our dedicated team is trained to handle a myriad of security issues with precision and professionalism so that their reflexes kick in when needed and no time is wasted. They know when to call in the services of the Queensland Police, Queensland Ambulance Service, and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. If you’re injured or need medical attention, we’ll make sure you get the help you need.

We’re not looking for acclaim. Our job satisfaction comes from knowing that our protocols and commitment to our clients ensure a good outcome.
Trust Gold Coast Protection Division to be your eye and ears 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive alarm monitoring services and discover why we’re the preferred choice for discerning clients across Queensland.

Queensland Security Guard Dogs

There’s something about the sight of a guard dog that sends chills down the spine of people out looking for trouble. Intruders and thieves prefer to break into buildings where there are no dogs present.


There’s the noise factor. dogs can make a lot of noise drawing unwanted attention to the presence of a trespasser. But there’s always an unknown quantity when it comes to dogs. Prowlers are almost without exception scared of the physical threat that a security guard dog poses.

Our trained professionals work seamlessly with our loyal K9 security team to provide an intimidating presence that makes thieves and aggressors look for an easier, unprotected target.

Our dogs undergo rigorous training and a certification process to ensure they are equipped to handle any security situation with precision and efficiency. By leveraging the innate instincts of our canine companions, we deliver unmatched capabilities, bolstering the level of security we provide to our clients across the Gold Coast and beyond.

Whether you require a visible security presence for your business, shopping centre or residential property, we can meet your needs.

Safeguard your loved one and assets. Let’s talk about ways our security guard dogs can help.